Pilot-RC 103in Wingspan EDGE 540 V3
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Pilot-RC surprised everyone with the new levels of precision in their extremely popular Extra NG and Slick. Pilot have now take all of these great features and developed them into the new EDGE 540 V3.
The Pilot-RC EDGE 540 V3 is available in two striking colour schemes both sure to grab attention at the local flying field - 01 scheme designed by legendary Italian Designer Mirco Pecorari (Aircraft Studio Design), 02 scheme is the Ryu Sintuphrom signature colour scheme.
Designed by Pilot-RC's highly experienced team, the EDGE 540 V3 (120cc) has the modern aesthetics and outstanding performance capabilities of a full-size V3 EDGE. Whether you're looking to perform friendly low and slow manoeuvers or high energy extreme aerobatics and precision flying the EDGE 540 V3's impressive characteristics are sure to meet every Pilot's expectations.
Model: | EDGE 540 V3 - 103in |
Wingspan: | 104in (2.643mm) |
Length: | 104in (2.648mm) with 5in spinner |
Wing area: | 1,846sq in (11,893sq cm) |
Weight: | 26.85lbs (12.2kg) |
- NEW! - Hybrid construction from wood and composite materials for specially reinforced fuselage and wings.
- NEW! - Patented quick assembly system for wings, stabiliser and SFG
- NEW! - Patented quick assembly system for canopy.
- Genuine German Oracover (Ultracote) covering
- Highly prefabricated, experienced builders can have air ready in under a day
- Pre-installed hinges (glued and pinned)
- Internally mounted cowling - so no visible external screws exposed (two exposed screws underneath for easy mounting)
- Removable wings and stabs
- Laser engraved motor mounting position
- Easy canister installation due to open construction
- Pull push system for Rudder servo
Included Hardware:
- Complete air frame with all basic accessories (such as carbon fibre main undercarriage, tail-gear assembly and wing-tubes as well as fibreglass control horns and wheel pants)
- Pre-installed hinges and pre-mounted canopy
- Fuel tank and fuel tubing pre-prepared, fuel dot and breather valve
- Wheels, axels and wheel pants
- Pre-prepared pull-pull wires and pushrods with ball links
- Matching 5in carbon spinner
Crash Kits Available For This Model:
- Landing gear repair package. Includes the wooden parts required to repair the damage often suffered around the landing gear area.
- Front fuselage repair package. Includes the wooden parts required to repair the damage often suffered around the front of the model
Please note that additional or alternative spare wood outside of the above Packs is not available to order.
Required Hardware (Not Supplied):
Motor: 80-120cc or equivalent electric
Servos: 7-8 high torque (minimum 20kg) plus throttle // Uses x2 per aileron, x1 per elevator and x1 or x2 on rudder
Also requires all the usual accessories such as transmitter, receiver, propeller, batteries, powerbox, extension leads and possibly other small accessories.
Recommended Hardware (Not Supplied):
- Engine: DLE111 2-Stroke | DLE120 2-Stroke | EME-120 2-Stroke | Saito FG-100TS 4-Stroke or electric equivalent
- Servos: MacGregor MGB8346HV 38.0kg/0.10s Brushless High Voltage Servo
- Servo Arms: Pilot-RC 1.6in Aluminium arms - PIL302
- Wingbags: Pilot-RC 100cc Wingbags - PIL064
Build information
Cowl Size

A: 355mm | B: 332mm | C: 345mm | D: 356mm
Exhaust Tunnel Size

A: 691mm | B: 117mm | C: 691mm | D: 120mm | E: 172mm | F: 194mm
Rudder Horns and Pull Pull Location

Only direct drive available. A: 15mm | D: 53mm | E: 8.5mm
Servo Extension Lengths
Throttle: 35cm
Each aileron: 25cm + 75cm (nearest servo and furthest servo - to reach receiver direct)
Each elevator: 150cm
Rudder: 130cm (when using direct - if installing pull pull, no required extension)
Centre of Gravity
212mm - Measured back from leading edge of the wing at the fuselage.
You will find a laser engraved C.G. emblem on the inside of the fuselage, located close to the wing tube, which also shows the exact location for Center of Gravity.

Order Code: PIL797/798
Manufactured By Pilot-RC